Visit to the cities neighbors
Our property is an ideal place to stop off in the most important historic cities of Tuscany and nearby Umbria: Florence, Siena and Perugia are less than an hour away by car.
Florence is indisputably the most famous Tuscan city in the world. Every year millions of people arrive in the "cradle of the Renaissance", visit the main museums of the city, walk through its streets admiring monuments, churches, palaces and places of interest.
Florence really has so much to offer and it is not easy to choose what to see, already walking through the streets of Florence is enough to experience the city and be enchanted by its unique architecture in the world, made of alleys, views and open-air monuments.
Siena is one of the citiesmost loved and visited in Tuscany, a place full ofhistorye youart, but alsoof strong traditions, mainly linked to the districts and the famous Palio di Siena.
If you are visiting Siena for the first time, I definitely recommend that you gostraight into the heart of the city, towards the wonderfulPiazza del Campo, one of the symbolic places of the city. You can decide whether to start your day in Siena here or continue towardsDuomo, reserving you to return to the square later.
In the area between Piazza del Campo and the Cathedral you will basically find the main attractions of the city and you will most likely spend most of your time here.
Perugiaguardsartistic and monumental treasureswhich bear witness to its rich past and do justice to the cultural primacy of our country. Even if it retains the appearance and pace of life of asmall fortified medieval village, Perugia has a very intense city life, linked above all to the presence of one of the oldest universities on the peninsula (founded in 1308), as well as the largest university for foreigners in Italy.
It is therefore not a museum city,full of tourists by day and empty at night, but a place to dedicate something more than a quick visit dedicated to the most important monuments. From theNational GalleryalEtruscan well, fromOratory of San BernardinoalCorso Vannucci.